Acupuncture is a 3000 year old art of healing that enhances the body's healing forces and helps the body to heal itself (nothing is better than natural healing). Fine needles are placed into various points of the body to allow the individual's natural healing forces known as "Qi" to circulate properly, thus promoting healing. When Qi energy flow is in excess or deficient it creates an imbalance in the meridians that are related to vital organ systems.
How Does It Work?
According to Oriental Medicine, Qi (energy) flows through the body in the 14 major channels known as meridians. Each of the meridians are branches of the internal organs. There are hundreds of specific areas along these meridians where the Qi gathers which are known as acupuncture points. The practitioner will select specific acupuncture points to needle to stimulate the body's internal regulatory system and nurture a natural healing response. Health is influenced by the flow of Qi in the body. If that flow is insufficient, impaired, unbalanced or interrupted, illness may occur.
Is Acupuncture Painful?
Overall treatment is virtually pain free. Occasionally there is a brief sensation of irritation. Some patients may be sensitive to needling, therefore you should report any intense sensation at the time of treatment. Most patients find acupuncture treatments leave them with a feeling of relaxation and well-being, and they feel no pain.
For your safety, all needles are disposable in my practice.
Conditions Effectively Treated with Acupuncture | |
NEUROLOGICAL Headache Migraine Neuralgia Post-operation pain Stroke residuals Parkinson's disease Facial pain MUSCULOSKELETAL Pain and weakness in: Neck, shoulder, arms, hands, fingers, knees, legs, feet Backache or pain Muscle cramping Localized traumatic injuries, Sprains, strains Sports injuries Arthritis Disc problems Sciatica DIGESTIVE Abdominal pain Hyperacidity Chronic diarrhea Indigestion Constipation EYE, EAR, NOSE, DENTAL Poor vision, tired eyes Tinnitus Nervous deafness Toothache Post extraction pain Gum problems |
RESPIRATORY Sinusitis Common cold Tonsillitis Bronchitis Allergy (hay fever) Asthma GYNECOLOGICAL Impotence PMS, cramps Menopause syndrome Obstetrics EMOTIONAL: Traumas Hypertension Insomnia Depression Anxiety Nervousness Neurosis OTHER BENEFITS Increases vitality & energy Stress reduction Deep relaxation Skin rejuvenation Weight control Stop smoking Alcohol, drug & other addictions Enhanced athletic & physical function Regulates heart rate, blood pressure & chemistry Stabilizes the immune system |